Create and share notes with your teams
Write your notes, memos, processes, FAQ's or other information pages easily, alone or with others. Keep your data and ideas organized and accessible anytime, anywhere.
Write your notes, memos, processes, FAQ's or other information pages easily, alone or with others. Keep your data and ideas organized and accessible anytime, anywhere.
With keyboard shortcuts, add titles, checklists, tables... in an instant.
Also add photos, videos and files to enrich your notes and captivate your audience.
You can easily organize the content by moving the blocks. Let your creativity run wild!
Want to create knowledges bases together? Share co-editing rights with your team or specific individuals. Create and modify content in real-time to work together more effectively.
Don’t be afraid of closing tabs anymore. Your notes are saved automatically.
Keep control of your content with the reading mode. Your teams can view your notes through a pleasant and easy-to-understand display.
Capture ideas and thoughts quickly and easily.
Create and gather your notes from a webinar, a meeting, a training, or a brainstorming session in one organized place.
Never forget important information again.
Discover usecases and success stories about how to use Atolia.
To customize your Notes pages to your liking, you can add tables, bullet and task lists, images, files, or YouTube links.
Of course. If you are the author of the note, you can select one or more groups with which you want to share it. Only users designated as "collaborators" will be able to edit it.